IZOTAPE Multi PRO (multi-functional tape)




Single-sided adhesive tape for interior and exterior use according to DIN 4108 Teil 11. For the durable bonding of commercial vapour control layers and membranes and for the windproof attachment of roofing underlay, roofing membranes and façade membranes.
Perfect for partly open façades. Application based on our product overview.

Made in Germany.

IZOTAPE Multi PRO black (multi-functional tape)




Single-sided adhesive tape for interior and exterior use according to DIN 4108 Teil 11. For the durable bonding of commercial vapour control layers and membranes and for the windproof attachment of roofing underlay, roofing membranes and façade membranes.
Perfect for partly open façades. Application based on our product overview.

Made in Germany.

IZOTAPE FIX PRO universale tape





Single-sided adhesive tape with a flexible carrier foil, reinforced with polyester scrim according to DIN 4108 Teil 11. For the airtight bonding of penetrationsintheinterior, Sd-value roughly 30m.

Application based on our product overview.

Adhesive strength [N/mm] DIN EN 1939 ca. ≈35 N/25mm

Application temperature [°C] from +5°C

Made in Germany.

IZOTAPE BAND repair tape for membranes



IZOTAPE® BAND tape. One-sided, self-adhesive repair tape based on a roofing membrane. Ideal for gluing overlaps and repairing minor damage to the membrane.

Is used for:

• gluing together successive layers of the IZODACH® membrane and any other roofing membranes for pitched roofs;

• repairing roofing membranes;

• fixing roofing membranes to wood, plastics and metals.

When using, please note that the bonding surface must be degreased and free of dust.




TERM - Single-sided adhesive, soft PE foam for the durable, rain-proof (min. 600 Pa) sealing of nail and screw penetrations in breathable underlays and roofing membranes. Designed for use as sealing tape in roof and construction works.

Processing temperature [°C]: from +5°C

IZOTAPE MIX and MIX PRO (double-sided acrylic tape)



Double-sided adhesive tape for the airtight bonding of overlapsand penetrations of vapour barrier films in accordance with DIN 4108-7, as well as for the bonding of films and membranes in covered outdoor areas.

Self-adhesive glue: acrylic dispersion (MIX ≈200g/m2 and MIX PRO ≈230g/m2)

Tape is reinforced with polyester mesh, designed for:

  • joining roof membrane strips and membranes on overlaps;





Uniwersalna i wysoce odporna na starzenie taśma klejąca o wysokiejsile adhezji do sklejenia i naprawiania membran dachowych i paroizolacji. Do stosowania wewnątrz i na zewnątrz zgodnie z normą DIN 4108 Teil 11. Do trwałego klejenia folii do różnego rodzaju powierzchni takich jak: metal, tworzywa sztuczne (twarde), gładkie drewno, materiały drewnopochodne. Color czarny taśmy (Multi PRO black) jest dealny do częściowo otwartych fasad.

Izodach Power membrane


Izodach POWER is a new generation three-layer membrane with a surface weight of as much as 230 g/m2. It is distinguished by its combination of high strength and very high vapour permeability. There are no analogues, as until now in the production technology of other brands, it has not been possible to achieve such a combination of high density and high permeability.

It is made of 100% polypropylene.

IZODACH POWER is very versatile in its applications. It is recommended under all types of seamed or overlapped metal sheets (carom board systems).

Izodach Energy membrane


Isodach ENERGY is an improved version of pre-covered membranes. These are roof screens. They perform the same function but are more robust and durable. They can be used in the most difficult conditions and places on the roof. Very high vapour-permeability and durability are only possible thanks to the latest technology.

The high surface weight and thickness guarantee durability for use on full boarding as well as without boarding.

Also available in a version with two tapered strips Izodach ENERGY+2S
